
It's about my first love

After one year, I'm back! Hello blogger i have been missing you. Lots of things have happened in this one and half year, there are ups and downs moments and some life changing events. I have moved out from aimst, and living in BLM a taman near aimst and I have found my 小幸运 ! Guess what I have f my first love on 4/9/2019 and its his first love as well, hoping we can lives together tolerate each other, helping each others to become a better person. Although I always upset you so sorry for that I'm still learning to be a better gfs for you, forgive me as I am a first timer in this. I would learn to be more thoughtful for you, giving you more, hoping our love will be equal and mutual. I wasn't sure that your dominant nominant plan was just for laughter or what haha but I think in a relationship, we should listen to each other advice, discussing together, but not try to control each other, not letting one to be dominant, and yet the other become selfless, losing her/him self. Everything should be mutual so our love will be last long. Thank you everything fishy done for me. Loving me unconditionally, giving me everything i need remembering every words i said. Even though I'm still feeling insecure sometimes, and I will mad at you for a very small things it's because I've fallen for you totally, I get jealous over a small things easily, I get angry when you don't care about me and I can't control it. Haha funny me.


3 月分享。

还没上大二时,人们都说 CNS 有多难多难,怎么说着说着,CNS 就这样过了。没错,今天是考完 CNS OSPE/ OSCE 的一天。或说未来也没有那么难,是我最喜欢的一个 system。很快的 2018 都过了 1/4。想想我都二十一岁了。( 好老哈哈 )

考试期间就是我在图书馆,每天面对着无数的slides, 但幸好有美丽的风景让我不会那么压力。

还有我学校的食物,这是早餐 ( 那天可能我饿了 )我早上6.30am 自己去吃的哈哈

还有,我的 lecturer mentor 包了个红包给我,他是个印度人, 是不是要收卖我 哈哈我疑心超重

这是我室友送的迟来的礼物,他刚好在我考试的时候送,而刚好我咖啡缺货哈哈,但喝了心跳有点加速,可能不是每个牌子都是和我,真的是好像心脏病一样 (心跳得什么事都做不了书也读不了睡也不能睡真的很怕不会再喝那个牌子的咖啡了)

这超好笑,算是我人生中的一部分吧,做工,对我就是半工半读的穷医学生....没钱去旅行和买保养品了啦 / 😭


如果我有钱,我一定天天去cafe try 不同口味的沃芙 / 让我念念不忘的 earl grey 口味!

妈妈说天气热,走去路边喝椰水去。我:走吧,妈咪。我妈真的是超熟客了,我妈什么都不用讲,砍椰水的人都知道他要分成两杯,其中一个加糖 哈哈 我超傻眼


加油,继续前进 😀

